Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 2023-09-09

1. Introduction

Tasktic to-do list is a simple and efficient to-do list app designed to help you manage your tasks without collecting any personal data. We respect your privacy and do not gather any user information.

2. Data Collection

Tasktic does not collect or store any personal or user data.

3. Data Usage

Since we do not collect any user data, there is no data usage beyond the core functionality of the app, which is solely for managing your tasks.

4. Data Sharing

We do not share any data with third parties, as we do not collect or store any user information.

5. Use of Third-Party Services

To enhance our app and improve your experience, we use the following third-party services:

5.1 Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to collect anonymous usage data and gain insights into how users interact with Tasktic to do list. This data helps us improve the app’s performance and user experience. Google Analytics may collect information such as your device type, operating system, and app usage. Please refer to Google’s Privacy Policy for more information.

5.2 RevenueCat

Tasktic to do list utilizes RevenueCat to manage in-app purchases and subscription information. RevenueCat may collect data related to your in-app purchases, subscription status, and transaction history. Please refer to RevenueCat’s Privacy Policy for more details.

6. Data Security

Although we do not collect or store any user data, we prioritize the security of the tasks you create within the app to ensure your information remains confidential.

7. Changes to This Privacy Statement

Any future changes to this privacy statement will be communicated within the app or on our website.

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